Looking for a product that will supplement 3rd party cookies? Hyper-targeted MAID’s worked into your digital strategy is the go to product for advanced marketing.
Venture Controls helps you Amass MAID data on prospects who are shopping at your competition, gathering at events that align with your product or services or connect with those prospects by hobbies or interest. (i.e. Golf, Boating, RV, Camping, Skiing) Virtually any Location of Interest where your prospects visit we have MAID’s available to build those targeted audiences.
What to expect:
Once we receive a list of the locations that you would like us to monitor, we will provide access to our dashboard. This dashboard will show the locations being monitored and the locations of the resting address of the prospects.

-Training: You will be trained by our team on best practices and use cases for gaining the best Geo-Conquesting Data and audience building from this service.
-Secure Dashboard Data Ready: Data is updated daily with 3 different data sets that can be downloaded any time.
- MAID Data. This file contains all Mobile Ad Id’s captured from each location.
- Raw Data. A file that has all the prospects and their location visits over a specified time period.
- Unique Data. This data has the duplicates removed and shows their last visit location.